Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Loner behind the Canvas


Something magical about Art and what it evokes in a human being. I was recently humbled by the talented @LonerTK with a sketch of me. Loner refers to himself as just that, a loner who kills he's time in front of he's canvas trying to better himself and touching the rest of the world with he's art. For him, art is actually  an extramural  activity for me as he is currently studying  software development  in TUT. he says that art found him in grade 5 at school and he only really took it seriously years later by taking art classes.

I asked him to finish the following statement:

Q: "keep in mind that I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my ish" do you feel the same as you post your work on Twitter and Instagram all the time. ?

A:  yeah I do get a bit sensitive  towards negative reviews, but a little constructive criticism never hurt anyone right? I've  learnt to deal with online hostility so most of people's hateful comments simply roll off my back


I would like to thank Loner again for the sketch, it is very beautiful and I really hope you get an opportunity to see your work on world platforms and you get to bring joy to people like you did to me.
I say find your passion and take a step towards it. you never know where it take you. the world awaits.


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